I'm tired of flashy websites that fill your screen with graphics and make you download a megabyte of frameworks, images and other fluff. The focus on "minimalism" in web design gives you a whole lot of empty space that takes too long to load. The space that does contain actual content gets covered over by cookie banners, adverts and modals asking you for permission to send you notifications. I admire the websites like craigslist that look like arse but load the page with useful content and load it quick. It's dense with information and links, and maybe that breaks some User Experience laws. But I like that density. Saves me scrolling around for ages. If I want to find something, I just need to use my eyes, not my mouse.
It's in this spirit of craigslist that my personal website operates. A lot of my projects work with frameworks like React that make you download mountains of JavaScript, and I'll still be linking to those. But for this site itself, it'll just be raw HTML and plaintext going down the wire. It might be ugly by today's web standards, but it's simple, fast, and it gets to the damn point. No fluff here, except perhaps in my writing.